Monday, December 19, 2016

Overworked wrap dress

Do you ever start something, finish it then decide it doesn't quite work? This was one of those dresses.  Its based on Butterick B5420, which I've made before. I added extra ease from my orignal dress and lengthened the top to become dress length.  

What the dress would look like if it was fitted properly (unfortunately its just me holding it pulled tight in the back).

I redid the neckline twice as it was way too loose, even with neck tape. I finally did a neckline that fitted, but it involved taking two inches of either end of hte wrap neckline, which totally distorted the grainlines.  I decided in the end to pass on the dress as a source of new fabric, (rather than a wearable item) to someone who alreay had this fabric. Which is a bit of a cop out in terms of decluttering, but hopefully the fabric is of use even if not as a dress!
What the dress actually looked like. Note the change in slope..

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Pink dress

I made an updated version of my black lace dress I wore to a friends wedding for me to wear for Christmas day.  I was hoping to have it made a bit earlier for the pre Christmas socialising but with one hand that didn't happen!  I made a few fit changes, taking it in at the sides, I had  couple of other changes to make but forgot about them when I was cutting out so will do next time.  This might be my first tried and true T&T pattern!
Mr F had to join me in showing off his new orange and blue trousers
Front left
Front left view
Back. Slightly distorted by holding 17 kgs in the front at the same time.  But its my first hand picked zipper
I still don't actually need to undo the zipper to get into the dress so not sure if I will add one next time.  But I'll add a bit more width to the neckline at the shoulder inner side and lower the front neck a bit.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Christmas star singlet

Oops -Pre Christmas post from 2015...
I love it when teachers decide that end of year costumes need to be simple. Last year 
I ended up making 8 pairs of white trousers for Mr J's class.  This year it was just a black singlet.  The teachers did the hard part of spraypainting the star on the front and in a big group they looked great. Mr F of course had to be in the shot. 
Black singlet with gold spraypainted star aka Fred Dagg

I was even luckier with Mr F as his school end of year production required him to be an All Black. We had last years too big teeshirt that I bought cause I could turn it inside out to be all black - and the ever faithful ninja trousers.
Fred Dagg and a mini all black 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Christmas (Tailors} Hams

 Ignoring all my current projects, I decided that I HAD to make a tailors ham. This is used as a pressing tool rather than to eat funnily enough.  I picked up this great bobbin material in a fabric swap with Wendy from Sew Biased
Heavy cotton side

The other side was with some fantastic pure wool that looked like the kind of thing tailors hams were made of. From a fabric swap with the Crafty Mermaid.

pink wool side 
I picked the filling based on others advice and got wood shavings from the pet store (normally used for rabbit beds I think).  I've used these a few times and I think I might have to restuff them as the filling has settled. (Also I was one handed when I was stuffing them so it was a little hard to press the wood down).  I used the free pattern from Victory Patterns.  

Saturday, January 23, 2016

End of year review of my to do list 2015

During my non sewing period due to torn muscles, I spent a while tiding up my sewing room.  This consisted of putting things in their right place. Funny how that makes a difference.

What I also did that was shocking (well to me any) was to make up a list of all the projects I had 'on the go'. Also called UFO - unfinished objects or WIP - work in progress.

As at mid July I had 48 items to complete. Now before you laugh, some of that was mending. It also explained why I had a sinking feeling when i went into my sewing area!

I've since made progress through the list but discovered something interesting. Although I have now completed 31 items, there are still 35 items to do.  I'm not bad at maths (thanks to learning the new maths strategies from Mr 11, so I did some investigation. Turns out that not only did I complete things on my to do list, I also started

  • New curtains for a big bedroom
  • Orange tee - shirt for Mr F
  • Orange trousers for Mr F
  • Skirt block (Craftsy class)
  • and created new patterns for a tee, reusable shopping bag and  a silk bias dress.

I could justify my list for a while I as having to move my machine down two flights of stairs meant I only cut out and drafted patterns at my monthly sewing class. So I knew there would be a bit of a backlog - but 48 - Seriously!

As this is a belated end of year reflection I've learnt that

  1. I like shiny new things
  2. I hate going back to unsuccessful projects and writing up what needs to happen differently - and then throwing unsuccessful garment away.
  3. I need to set aside more time to clear out the to do list before starting new things!
Wonder how long my list will be in mid 2016? 
