Monday, June 3, 2013

The problem with moving house

The problem with moving house, is that not only does it cut into your sewing time when you look for a house, when you find one you actually want to buy, you also suddenly find yourself needing to urgently do up your current house to put it on the market so you can afford the new house. Yes sensible people would look ahead and notice that second step and do something about it earlier, but I wasn't one of them. Which explains why I have been a bit slack on the sewing front. I did have a couple of project set aside so I could still do my monthly Sunday sewing, but in reality was too tired to actually sew, so just took along a sewing magazine and some trousers to hem. Now that we have actually moved, I've hit two issues I hadn't planned upon - the first being that after a month we have yet to find the camera battery chargers, and my sewing machine power cord. So I can't download any pictures, or make anything that can't be made on an overlocker with white thread (one day I will be brave enough to change it to black and curse for an hour afterwards...). I did find a couple of photos on the camera, so here is the pink nightshirt. For some reason I chose to follow the sizes on the pattern back/or read them wrong, but I ended up making a size 14, with a bad feeling all along about sizing, and I was right. It looks okay, but I really wanted something with a bit more movement in for sleep time, so this has now been gifted. I'm making this the next size up in blue, and have only the button holes to go (and a power cord to find)!

1 comment:

  1. Nice dress! Although, apartment hunting and moving house does take up your time. Nevertheless, some sacrifices must be made in order to get some things done.
